Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 Cost In India

Samsung Galaxy S6 Price

The excitement brought by the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5 was intense, but short-lived, because it fell way short of fanatic’s expectations.  It was clear that the successor of the S5, Samsung’s next flagship smartphone the Galaxy S6, is the beast smartphone that is expected to set new bars of mobile computing.
On several occasions, reliable sources have reassured us that the Samsung Galaxy S6 is the phone that will come with all or most of the features and hardware we have been wishing for since the Galaxy S3 proved they were possible.  As the internet boils over with talk of the features, release dates, hardware, software and other things, we cannot avoid wondering how much would such awesomeness in a metallic chassis set us back?  Will it also set a new record of over $1,000? Maybe the usual $700-800?  Let’s talk about how much we thing the Samsung Galaxy S6 will cost.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Price in india

What affects the price of the Samsung Galaxy S6?

It’s no secret that the Galaxy S line of Smartphone that Samsung has invested most of its resources on is changing how the world communicates and more importantly, leading in pushing the envelope in smartphone design.  According to statistics by Chitika, 55.5% of all devices running Google’s Android were Samsung devices.  The company literally dominates the entire smartphone market – from the high end first world markets to the 3G devices powering the internet in third world countries.  This is the best consolation we have that the Galaxy S6 will be affordable by all standards.
To understand the pricing of the Galaxy S6, we have to see what Samsung is actually loading the device with.  Here is a breakdown of the core specs:
One of the most revolutionary features of the Galaxy S6 is its drift away from the usual plastic that all its predecessors have had, to something stronger, yet lighter and more ‘feely’.  The Galaxy S6 is expected to be a thin device with a sleek design, a lot like that of the newly released Galaxy Alpha smartphone.  Since it will come with a metal casing, you should expect the S6 to feel and look more expensive than the S5 does, by far.  This may come at a price though.
Display and processing
You still think the 1080 x 1920 pixels HD screen of the Galaxy S5 is amazing?  Wait till you see the clarity of a 4K Super AMOLED on the 5.2-5.5 inch S6 flexible screen if indeed the rumors are true.  The Galaxy S6 will also be a powerhouse running on a 64-bit architecture, with more memory than you would ever need and a lot of RAM.
What will the price be then?
The Samsung Galaxy S5 got an initial price tag of $750, but it sold for big discount in just weeks.  If the S6 comes with a display screen and all the other amazing hardware such as fingerprint sensor, 4GB RAM and upto 128 GB onboard storage, we should expect a steeper price.  However, it is very unlikely that the S6 will cost more than $800 US.

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