Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 Android Version: Features of Android L

Samsung Galaxy S6 Android Version: What will Android L Bring?

When Sundar Pichai was appointed to head the development of Android, everyone knew that only good new things would come out of it.  Android Lollipop (or Lion) is here, and although it has not been released yet, Google has assured us that it is the final stages of development and Samsung’s next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S6, will be among the first devices to come with this new different version of Android out-of-the-box.
Considering that the S6 brings tons of new features and hardware especially a 64 bit architecture support and a 4K display screen, you must be wondering what Android Lollipop has that will make the device the best ever made.  I have just the answer you are looking for.

Features of Android 5.0 Lollipop (Android L)

Google has released the details of their next version of Android, currently just known as Android L.  L stands for Lollipop but with the partnership with Nestle, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see Google release an Android Lion.  With the kind of phone the S6 is expected to be, the operating system is as important as the device, especially since this will be the first 64 bit Android device.
The Android L developer preview is already out and it is bringing a wide range of new changes, top among them being a radical new design that will completely change how we use our phones, tablets, TVs, watches and even cars.  The S6 comes just at the right moment when Google outed an operating system heavily based on animated display, with realistic 3D shadows, ripples and everything else.
Google promises that the interface of Android L will be more intuitive and less fragmented, it will have better support for multi-tasking and because it is a 64 bit system, users will get the full experience of having such a powerful device with a swift operating system.

Top features of Android L on Samsung Galaxy S6

Faster and efficient:  Android L is faster, not just because it is built differently but also because it is a 64 bit operating system.  When it is installed on a powerful machine like the S6, Android L’s new memory management system increases RAM support, making even applications that are memory demanding such as games run smoothly and efficiently.
Notifications and lock screen:  Android’s notification center is getting an overhaul such that only the relevant information will be presented.  Android L’s new lock screen notification is perfect for the S6 considering the better and larger screen which helps the user easily read and dismiss notifications without unlocking the device.
Interlocking apps:  Google has built Android L differently, making a software platform where applications will able to communicate with each other.  The idea of interlocking apps goes deeper and when developers eventually perfect how to take advantage of this, they will be able to release applications that are also smart.
Battery Life:  Samsung is expected to putat least a 3,000 mAh battery on the Galaxy S6, which is great because the phone’s SoC and 4K display will need a very good battery and an even more efficient way to manage power consumption.  Android L is more power efficient and has been built to utilize the device’s battery pack.

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